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  1. Quark

    The Wacken Hot Tub (General Chat)

    Title speaks for itself. Edit Piaf zegt : the title does not speak for itself. On a general request, the title of this thread has been changed. The subtitle speaks for itself. :D:D:D:D:D:D
  2. Scholi


    Moin-Moin, ist es irgendwie möglich, die Pläne der Camping-Area wieder so bereit zustellen, dass man auch alle Straßen erkennen kann? Irgendwie habe ich da durch die Overlays einige Strassen nicht mit drauf - auch ja - um teure Tinte zu sparen, wäre ein farblich anders gestlteter Plan zum...
  3. Careo

    70K Before Wacken 2013

    Come on the thread says, let's SPAM to get 70.000 posts in this thread until Wacken 2013! :cool:
  4. xforeverxmetalx

    50K Before Wacken 2012

    How about this, everyone? :D We got about 26K total last year. We'll have to step it up a lot. But we've done far more in past years. I figured it'd be a reasonable challenge. :D For you new people who don't know what's going on: basically, our goal is to achieve 50000 posts in this thread...
  5. IcedTears

    175k till WOA 2011 :)

    So, I decided not to take 200k. I think, 175 will be okay. Will anybody help me spam? We need a new goal :D @Laila: 2 weeks won't make the difference ;) :D
  6. 808Metal

    150K Before WOA 2010

    OK I'm starting this thread less than 24 hours before the end of WOA 2009. Though we did not reach the 250K that the last thread challenged us to attempt, 150K before WOA 2010 should not be a problem for us. So let's get this bastard started and spam like Hell!
  7. Lady_Wolf

    250K part 2

    continue here after 63.000
  8. MetalViking

    250,000 before W:O:A 09!

    Yes thats right, i went there and made this thread :eek: Will it catch on? who knows Lets Start the Party :D
  9. Smoo_lord

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    Righto spammers.. fucking warm up your keyboards... you have done the 25K ! And the 50K! THIS is a challenge This is a call to arms! Let the Spam begin!
  10. Quark

    50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

    The 50,000 Warriors Thread Well, we did. And.... surprisingly, we did before 2008 (!) But...... I'd like this place to be our "living room" where we can chat, spam, love and whatever we like to do here. Just build friendships and who knows more.... Therefore I urge you all, not to...
  11. mental_mercury

    25K before Wacken 08!!!

  12. Warthog

    The 1,000,000 Thread!!!

    Okay... Is it even possible? Well, we'll see. :D No time limit on this...let's just shoot the moon!