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W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Okt. 2014
Staffordshire, England
This is a thread to post updates and goodies regarding the band Alestorm.

For starters, a brief description of the band. Alestorm have always wrote songs about pirates and piracy. This is nothing new in the universe that is heavy metal. For example, Running Wild did it back in '84. But nevertheless, the music of Alestorm has incredible songwriting and charm. When compared to Running Wild, Alestorm actually has more catchy choruses that are ideal for singing along to. This isn't really fair of me however, because Rock N Rolf provides the lead vocals for Running Wild while at the same time providing a large chunk of the guitars. So the two front men have different kinds of talent.

Anyway, this is something fresh and exciting for everyone. It's the complete performance of Alestorm's show at HellFest recently.

Alestorm Live at HellFest 20th June 2015


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Okt. 2014
Staffordshire, England
Alestorm vs. Grave Digger

This a famous incident that I mention to people at least once a day. So I feel I must tell it to the people here now.

Grave Digger are a legendary heavy metal band, but also quite serious and straight-laced as we say here in England. Whereas Alestorm are not afraid to use comedy and outrage to entertain. It's also something to do with the nonsense and chaos of Scottish humour. But not to dwell on that.

So the lead singer of Grave Digger hears Alestorm play one day (probably before Alestorm were famous at all) and describes Alestorm as a 'Rumpelkombo' band. So this word means a rough and rowdy combination. It is safe to say that this was a derogatory remark. So then, years later, Alestorm are recording the album 'Back Through Time' and they decide to put a 3-second song on the album called 'Rumpelkombo' in the middle of the album. And the booklet says this song was written by Chris Boltendahl of Grave Digger.

So this is Alestorm making fun of their bad press, but also being proud of it. It's a strange concept. But it reminds me of the Anarchist movement. The word 'anarchist' was originally a derogatory term, but this group of political radicals got so tired of being insulted, they took up the derogatory comment and used it as their own. So these things can happen.

Last word on this. I have noticed that the Alestorm song 'Walk the Plank' has the words "a nameless bay in the mist, there is no right to exist". I am convinced that the Alestorm writer was inspired by the Grave Digger song 'Highland Farewell', which says "a nameless day in the mist, there is no right to exist." Although when I say this they tell me I should be wearing a hat made out of tin foil.

Doc Rock

Master of the Wind einer Dirne
27 Jan. 2011
Alestorm vs. Grave Digger

This a famous incident that I mention to people at least once a day. So I feel I must tell it to the people here now.

Grave Digger are a legendary heavy metal band, but also quite serious and straight-laced as we say here in England. Whereas Alestorm are not afraid to use comedy and outrage to entertain. It's also something to do with the nonsense and chaos of Scottish humour. But not to dwell on that.

So the lead singer of Grave Digger hears Alestorm play one day (probably before Alestorm were famous at all) and describes Alestorm as a 'Rumpelkombo' band. So this word means a rough and rowdy combination. It is safe to say that this was a derogatory remark. So then, years later, Alestorm are recording the album 'Back Through Time' and they decide to put a 3-second song on the album called 'Rumpelkombo' in the middle of the album. And the booklet says this song was written by Chris Boltendahl of Grave Digger.

So this is Alestorm making fun of their bad press, but also being proud of it. It's a strange concept. But it reminds me of the Anarchist movement. The word 'anarchist' was originally a derogatory term, but this group of political radicals got so tired of being insulted, they took up the derogatory comment and used it as their own. So these things can happen.

Last word on this. I have noticed that the Alestorm song 'Walk the Plank' has the words "a nameless bay in the mist, there is no right to exist". I am convinced that the Alestorm writer was inspired by the Grave Digger song 'Highland Farewell', which says "a nameless day in the mist, there is no right to exist." Although when I say this they tell me I should be wearing a hat made out of tin foil.

True story! What you forgot to mention is that Alestorm since played Rumpelkombo live at every single gig, right after Keelhauled. As a consequence, Chris from Grave Digger receives a tiny royalty cheque from Alestorm's record company every year. Add insult to injury...