MetalTix has shitted it's pants

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W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juli 2009
Schön mal hier so etwas zu erfahren. Ich wurde nämlich nicht per Email darüber in Kentniss gesetzt.

Prinzessin Amok

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Aug. 2009
Dein Zeichensatz ist kaputt oder irgendwas anderes an deiner elektronischen Anlage in deinem Domizil :o

Google Translate und andere Seiten sagen mir, dass er Englische Texte haben will. Ich frag mich nur, wie man sowas auf Kyrillisch fordern kann - und dazu in nem deutschen Forum wo vllt nicht mal 30 Leute Russisch sprechen/lesen können.


W:O:A Metalmaster
Google Translate und andere Seiten sagen mir, dass er Englische Texte haben will. Ich frag mich nur, wie man sowas auf Kyrillisch fordern kann - und dazu in nem deutschen Forum wo vllt nicht mal 30 Leute Russisch sprechen/lesen können.

falsch. Er macht nur darauf aufmerksam, dass dies hier ein Thema in englischer Sprache ist.

Er hat Russisch gewählt, weil das für euch ebenso unverständlich ist wie für ihn Deutsch.

To answer in English: Unfortunately you already chose the wrong part of the forum. First of all, this is the part where you may tell what was wrong in the past year (in your opinion). But there is an other part where you may suggest stuff. So, you are already wrong here.

Second thing is that most people here will always answer your questions in German, for the Wacken Open Air is a festival that takes place in Germany and >75% of the visitors are from Germany actually.

I do understand that you would like to get answers in English language, but you can not expect that. Writing in Russian does actually not make any sense for there are very few people who understand/speak Russian.

But could you do me a favor and answer a question ? The question is: Do you really have to be as unpolite as the guys who answered in German constantly ?

Besides, there are a lot people in this forum who are not even able to speak, write or read English ;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
falsch. Er macht nur darauf aufmerksam, dass dies hier ein Thema in englischer Sprache ist.

Er hat Russisch gewählt, weil das für euch ebenso unverständlich ist wie für ihn Deutsch.

To answer in English: Unfortunately you already chose the wrong part of the forum. First of all, this is the part where you may tell what was wrong in the past year (in your opinion). But there is an other part where you may suggest stuff. So, you are already wrong here.

Second thing is that most people here will always answer your questions in German, for the Wacken Open Air is a festival that takes place in Germany and >75% of the visitors are from Germany actually.

I do understand that you would like to get answers in English language, but you can not expect that. Writing in Russian does actually not make any sense for there are very few people who understand/speak Russian.

But could you do me a favor and answer a question ? The question is: Do you really have to be as unpolite as the guys who answered in German constantly ?

Besides, there are a lot people in this forum who are not even able to speak, write or read English ;)

Über Sprachen wissen die Belgier alles :mad:
Ein Wort bzw Abkürzung.


Tot zover Duits.


To answer in English: Unfortunately you already chose the wrong part of the forum. First of all, this is the part where you may tell what was wrong in the past year (in your opinion). But there is an other part where you may suggest stuff. So, you are already wrong here.
This is not totally true. He or she is on the right part, as this concerns something related to the festival itself and that of the 2009 edition. (e.g. the pre sale of WOA tickets)

Second thing is that most people here will always answer your questions in German, for the Wacken Open Air is a festival that takes place in Germany and >75% of the visitors are from Germany actually.

True in that sense that the majority is German. (I don't know a % though)
So you can expect answers in German. But there will always be people that do not reply in German. You could have read those answers too. I mean, I did. (and also replied in EN)

The fact that people don't speak English does not have anything to do with it. This goes for all foreign languages. There will always be people who don't speak them.

Just my 2 €urocents.


W:O:A Metalmaster
This is not totally true. He or she is on the right part, as this concerns something related to the festival itself and that of the 2009 edition. (e.g. the pre sale of WOA tickets)

True in that sense that the majority is German. (I don't know a % though)
So you can expect answers in German. But there will always be people that do not reply in German. You could have read those answers too. I mean, I did. (and also replied in EN)

The fact that people don't speak English does not have anything to do with it. This goes for all foreign languages. There will always be people who don't speak them.

Just my 2 €urocents.

And you are totally wrong. The topic is about the problem with the credit cards, which actually occured THIS year and he suggested E-tickets. So there is NOTHING, REALLY NOTHING which has to do with W:O:A 2009.

Yeah, there ARE people replying in English, but most do not. And I was just talking about him writing Russian... :rolleyes:

But, is there no way to understand that people who answer German MIGHT not speak English :confused: There are some, I bet.. so.. :rolleyes:


18 März 2010
The topic is about the problem with the credit cards, which actually occured THIS year and he suggested E-tickets. So there is NOTHING, REALLY NOTHING which has to do with W:O:A 2009.
Yep. You are right. The "criticism" in title has confused me and I hadn't take a look at "2009".

Yeah, there ARE people replying in English, but most do not. And I was just talking about him writing Russian... :rolleyes:

But, is there no way to understand that people who answer German MIGHT not speak English :confused: There are some, I bet.. so.. :rolleyes:
My post in Russian was just a joke. The English for it is: "Hairless, this is the English topic! :)".
Where "Лысый" is Russian for Hairless, Bald. :cool: