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W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Okt. 2014
Staffordshire, England
I think this is a very strong band, but I want to say why.

The vocals are strong and can't be ignored. I love Running Wild, but there are too many times when I have to look at the lyric booklet to understand what Rolf Kasparek is saying. With WASP, the song structures and the guitar work is much more simple, but it's immediately fun and engaging. But you always know what the singer is trying to put across, and the vocal delivery has a biting edge that stays with you.

Probably quite a poor 2-band comparison from me, but both bands are very fun. I know deep down that, WASP is the band with less depth. Your girlfriend will probably like WASP, because they're sexy, immediate and catchy. And there are many of the songs where you must sing along.

But anyway, onto more important matters. Wacken 2014 and they didn't play 'Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)' ? What is going on?

Doc Rock

Master of the Wind einer Dirne
27 Jan. 2011
Blackie became religious, that's why: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/w-...ill-never-play-animal-f-k-like-a-beast-again/

I think this is a very strong band, but I want to say why.

The vocals are strong and can't be ignored. I love Running Wild, but there are too many times when I have to look at the lyric booklet to understand what Rolf Kasparek is saying. With WASP, the song structures and the guitar work is much more simple, but it's immediately fun and engaging. But you always know what the singer is trying to put across, and the vocal delivery has a biting edge that stays with you.

Probably quite a poor 2-band comparison from me, but both bands are very fun. I know deep down that, WASP is the band with less depth. Your girlfriend will probably like WASP, because they're sexy, immediate and catchy. And there are many of the songs where you must sing along.

But anyway, onto more important matters. Wacken 2014 and they didn't play 'Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)' ? What is going on?