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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain

Last weekend I went to a gig of Sha-man, the new band of the ex-singer and the ex-drummer of Angra. I think it will be almost impossible for Angra to overcome that (specially because of the insane ex-drummer!!), but who knows......

Lord Horb

W:O:A Metalhead
25 Nov. 2001
Letmathe-Sauerland (NRW)
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
homosexuals? Try this test:


I got 25% *a bit embarrassed*
I got 20%... still too much if you ask me... but it says "Just Way too straight for these modern Times!" hope that's a good sign :D

PS: listening to DORO now... Angels Never Die *melts.. slobbers* :D
ohh äähhmmm ist melting gay? if so, forget that I said that!!!! ;) :D
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